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Monday, June 30, 2008

Do you remember or should I rewind...?

I already posted a similar blog on my MySpace page, but I was feeling motivated and decided to post another on here.

I am so excited about the upcoming New Kids on the Block concert November 2 in Tampa!! I was 17 or 18 the last time I saw them in concert and that was the BEST time ever!! I have SO many memories from that trip that I STILL laugh about to this day.

This picture is truly one of them!! Because while it is TRULY one of the worst pictures ever it is the best because it expresses the extent of my concussion (note the bruise--and swelling!--in the middle of my forehead) which is probably why my mouth is hanging open--I was beginning to lose all control of my body at that point, as the only medical attention I received was a Taco Bell cup on my forehead and the assurance of "You're okay...come on!" as we sped down I-4 in chase of a "dream". This picture was taken at the Peabody Hotel in Orlando after we had already seen half of the members of New Kids on the Block. We would also during the course of that night and next day meet countless members of New Kids entourage, including parents, siblings, bodyguards, managers, stylists, dancers, band members, opening acts, etc...etc...etc.

This equally LOVELY picture was taken with Donnie (and Mark!) Wahlberg's mom, Alma. Please note our VERY stylish clothing to add to the moment! Yes, I AM wearing overalls! **Please note the large bangs conveniently covering the large bruise in the middle of my forehead from the night before!! **Also note that, yes, Lenora is wearing black, lace up the front, Bobby Brown/MC Hammer biker shorts/overalls!!

Anyway, I can't wait for the new album...the tour...the whole dang thing!! It should be pretty cool this time since we're older and have finely tuned our stalking skills!! (Although we ARE older now and can be charged as adults, so we might better rethink the stalking idea!!)

...in the meantime...Thank you and have a nice day!

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